Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Detention Facility under Army regulation 210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program 14 January 2005

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Army regulation 210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program 14 January 2005

I'm sure most don't know about this very important Document from the Army.It's very relevant and pertinent to your freedom .

Here are the actual camps.Video Footage,below.FEMA

Army /FEMA,US AIRFORCE TRAIN indicates government invovlement

Beech Grove Indiana FEMA Camp - April 5 2006

Detention facility currently holds as many as 200 children incarcerated after midnight arrests
Monday, January 8, 2007

A detention camp in Taylor Texas that currently holds hundreds of rebuffed asylum seekers who legally entered the country, half of which are children swept up in midnight raids, is a potential prime location for the enforced transfer of American citizens during a time of national emergency.

The privatized Hutto jail, which is also administered by Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), currently interns political asylum seekers who came to the U.S. on legal visas. Most of them are families including pregnant women and children who have never been accused of any wrongdoing but are forced to endure squalid conditions inside literal concentration camps.

In 2004 the facility was on the verge of being shutdown due to lack of occupancy but new immigration policies, allied to the burgeoning growth of the prison industry and future plans to detain American citizens on masse, have revived the potential scope of the camp, and a new contract to intern 600 individuals was finalized with immigration authorities in December 2005.

Chapter 1
1-5 Civilian inmate labor programs

a. Civilian inmate labor programs benefit both the Army and corrections systems by

(1) Providing a source of labor at no direct labor cost to Army installations to accomplish tasks that would not be possible otherwise due to the manning and funding constraints under which the Army operates.
(2) Providing meaningful work for inmates and, in some cases, additional space to alleviate overcrowding in nearby
corrections facilities.
(3) Making cost effective use of buildings and land not otherwise being used.
b. Except for the 3 exceptions listed in paragraph 2,1d below, installation civilian inmate labor programs may use
civilian inmate labor only from Federal corrections facilities located either off or on the installation.
c. Keys to operating an effective civilian inmate labor program on Army installations include,
(1) Establishing a comprehensive lease agreement, interservice, interagency, and/or interdepartmental support agreement (ISA), and/or memoranda of agreement with the corrections facility.
(2) Developing a cooperative working relationship between installation personnel and corrections facility personnel.
(3) Working closely with installation government employee labor unions to ensure union leaders understand the
program and have current information on program status.
(4) Training all installation personnel involved in the operation or administration of the program frequently.
(5) Developing a public affairs plan informing the installation and the surrounding local community of the program
and work projects assigned to civilian inmate labor.

Chapter 2
Establishing Installation Civilian Inmate Labor Programs

2-1. Policy statement
a. With a few exceptions, the Armys Civilian Inmate Labor Program is currently limited to using inmates from facilities under the control of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP). Section 4125(a), Title 18, United States Code allows the Attorney General to make available to other Federal agencies the services of Federal inmates and defines the types of services inmates can perform. The FBOP provides civilian inmate labor free of charge to the Army.
b. The Army is not interested in, nor can afford, any relationship with a corrections facility if that relationship
stipulates payment for civilian inmate labor. Installation civilian inmate labor program operating costs must not exceed the cost avoidance generated from using inmate labor (see para 4,3 for a discussion of cost avoidance)

Chapter 3
Establishing Civilian Inmate Prison Camps on Army Installations

3-1. Policy statement
It is not Army policy to solicit offers from correctional systems to establish civilian inmate prison camps on Army
installations. Nevertheless, the Army recognizes that these correctional systems may approach installations to lease land on which to build corrections facilities, or to lease unoccupied facilities. The Army will evaluate requests to establish civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations on a case by case basis. These prison camps will house minimum and low security inmates, as determined by the correctional systems. However, the Armys primary purpose for allowing establishment of prison camps on Army installations is to use the resident nonviolent civilian inmate labor pool to work on the leased portions of the installation.

3-2. Negotiating with correctional systems representatives to establish prison camps

Installation commanders will not initiate formal discussions with correctional systems representatives to establish
civilian inmate prison camps on their installations. Installation commanders are not authorized to negotiate with these representatives without first obtaining HQDA approval to proceed. Once approval is granted, installation commanders may enter into negotiations, subject to the provisions of this chapter.

a. Establishing civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations is separate from establishing civilian inmate labor programs, as discussed in chapter 2 above. Establishing civilian inmate prison camps does not automatically institute a civilian inmate labor program.
Procedures for establishing civilian inmate labor programs, incident to establishing civilian inmate prison camps, still apply.

They have gone this far...they are not going to stop unless you free yourselves and educate.

This is not a drill

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